St. Mary’s Hospital for Children’s Medical Day Healthcare program provides therapeutic and rehabilitative services for children and young adults with cognitive and physical disabilities and the opportunity to make new friends.
Located on the park-like grounds of our flagship facility in Bayside, Queens, our medical daycare program is open to children ages 5 to 18 and adults up to 30. Each group participates in a variety of supervised activities designed to promote their skills, confidence, and independence in a nurturing and fun environment where family members are welcomed and encouraged to play a critical role in their loved one’s success. Round-trip transportation is available to all participants.
MDHC Reopening Plan
Medical Day Care Focused on Meeting Individual Goals
The Medical Daycare Program is a dynamic program that consists of a young adult, after-school, and weekend program for medically complex participants ages 5-30. Located on the grounds of St. Mary’s Hospital for Children in Bayside Queens, St. Mary’s Medical Daycare Program provides therapeutic, rehabilitative, and recreational activities to help children and young adults with special healthcare needs reach their full potential. Our staff, which always features an on-site registered nurse, works to help participants develop to their fullest potential.

Program for School-Aged Kids
The program is available after school from 3:00 pm-6:15 and on weekends from 10:00 am-3:00 pm. Children with special needs benefit from rehabilitation services, including speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, homework assistance, supervised indoor and outdoor play, field trips, nutritious meals, and fun with their friends.
Program for Young Adults
The young adult program is offered Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m and on weekends from 10:00 am-3:00 pm. This innovative program is for adults from 18-30 years of age with special needs and provides therapeutic and rehabilitation service that focuses on Life skills and improving independence in the community and overall quality of life.

Request a Medical Day Care Evaluation
Complete the forms below and email them to mdhc@stmaryskids.org or
Fax them to 718-281-8920 or mail them to:
St. Mary’s MDHC Program
29-01 216th Street
Bayside, New York 11360
Contact Information
Simply complete the inquiry below and a St. Mary’s representative will contact you to review your medical records and provide more information on the program.
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Programs & Services
St. Mary’s Kids offers an array of programs and services for pediatric patients, from inpatient hospital care to long-term home care in the NY metro area.

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