Visitor Info
At St. Mary’s, we believe that each resident has the right to receive visitors how and when they want to as long as it does not impose on the rights of another resident.
St. Mary’s welcomes parents and guardians 24/7 and encourages friends and family members to come as often as they can during general visiting hours. For the safety and well-being of our residents, visitation may be subject to reasonable restrictions at the resident’s and St. Mary’s discretion.
As the coronavirus/COVID-19 health situation continues to evolve, we are committed to protecting the health and well-being of our patients and families. Together, we are taking steps to minimize the spread of viruses system-wide and in the community. We are continuing to follow the guidelines from the federal and state regulatory agencies.

We will clearly communicate with all of our families about our ongoing efforts regarding this evolving situation. We will continue to engage with our medical experts and review guidance from health and government authorities to inform how we are taking action.

How to ensure your visit goes as smoothly as possible.
- Parents and guardians are issued a photo ID badge during the admission process that will allow unrestricted access to their child’s unit. It must be worn at all times when on hospital grounds.
- Parents/guardians and residents may also request additional unrestricted visitors.
- The entrance to St. Mary’s Hospital will be locked at all times outside of general visitation hours. Please use the intercom and a member of our security team will open the doors after validating your badge.

General Visiting Guidelines Between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m.
- All other visitors must sign in at the Norman M. Feinberg Welcome Center and show a valid photo ID. Visitors 18 and younger must be accompanied by an adult.
- All visitors must be healthy—free from fever, cough or colds, or stomach virus symptoms and living with persons who are also healthy.
- During peak times of illness in the community, your child’s room or unit may be on infection control precautions. In the event of isolation, you will be contacted by our staff, and no visitors under the age of 12 will be allowed access to your child’s unit.