
Upcoming Events

Past Events

St. Mary’s Hospital for Children, is hosting their 13th annual walk for St. Mary’s Kids on Sunday April 29rd at Crocheron Park in Bayside, Queens. 
Come out and break a sweat for charity, or just hang out with friends and support a great cause!
If you are interested in full time, part time with benefits or Independent Contractor work, we welcome you to join an amazing organization!
3rd Annual St. Mary’s Golf Outing and Barbecue– Wednesday, July 26, 2017 at Morefar Back O’Beyond Golf Club
1st Annual Joseph Bosco and Paul Schropher Sr. Memorial Softball Tournament
Come join St. Mary’s Kids as we celebrate the fall season at our Autumn Festival!
St. Mary’s Kids Rock Star Pageant, The First Pageant for Children with Special Needs in NYC!
Blank Label & Renaissance Hotels Present a Fundraiser for St. Mary's Kids, Nov 15, 2017
Join us for a night of entertainment and giving to benefit St. Mary’s Hospital for Children and celebrate its life changing and pioneering Neuro-Rehabilitation Program.